Thursday, December 8, 2011

Do you intend to give your financial information and work schedule to an ACORN criminal?

ACORN has been determined to be a criminal organization. They will be coming to your home for US Census information. We have seen who these people are. Many are picked off the streets and paid for with our tax dollars to further Obama's personal agenda. Will you actually give these strangers your personal information, including when nobody's going to be home? What business is it of anyone's? Should we give them the key to our homes too? Will they be welcome on your property? Are you ok with this government intrusion? How do you intend to handle this?|||Your answers to ACORN are totally unimportant anyway. They will make up the statistics they want to see in writing.

You could lie and the results would be the same.

That is what Obama has given $4 billion to ACORN for. He needs to be re-elected at all costs and the cost is YOURS to pay.|||I won't answer the door for ACORN or anyone else and I have a legitimate excuse which I will use and maybe you can too. We live in a very nice neighborhood where nothing ever happens or so we thought. My neighbors across the street (mother and daughter) answered the door last week because there were 2 men in suits claiming to be with the Houston homicide division. Of course they were not. They tied both the mother and daughter up and ransacked their house looking for cash and then they left.

I think there are civil penalties for refusing to complete a census form regardless of who is collecting the information. However, I don't see how that could be enforced if you are distrustful of people coming to your door uninvited and thus your refuse to let them into your house.

Plus I also have the option of calling our neighborhood security and having them harass solicitors as we have a no solicitation neighborhood.|||I will answer the questions that should be asked on the census form. In other words how many people live in my home and what nationality we would be considered. The census should not cover how much we make, what hours we work or any other questions like these. ACORN better just stay away from my home. These people are crooks and thieves and I wouldn't trust them with my name or any other information about me.|||If the questionaire is about the same as it was for the last census I will fill it out properly and submit it. If there are things on it that the Government need not know I will lie on it... it's that simple. It's not like they are going to be standing there while I fill it out (I won't let them if they want to).|||Nobody is coming to your home unless you don't send in a short questionnaire. . Why don't you look at the questionnaire you'll be receiving next April and then bask in your idiocy.|||i dont think acorn will be coming to my house it might have something to do with the no tresspassing violaters will be shot sign or the dogs barking that and i think they would give up after having to deal with some of my neighbors|||H-E-double hockey sticks, no.

They can have the appropriate LEGAL information, such as how many people there are. They have no right to the personal info.|||I'm not sure I follow.

Could you cite some examples that definitively show ACORN to be a criminal organization?

Then, I'll gladly answer.|||Your actions may cause under-representation for your congressional district. Conservative districts will lose weight voting weight in congress.

Go ahead though, it's a free country, right?|||I will lie on the form. I don't trust Obama or anyone connected to him. They are a bunch of murderers, liars, thieves and thugs.|||I was thinking of working for the Census but I sure don't want to assist in ACORN's takeover of this important study.|||i will provide the number of people who live at my address.....nothing more. I'll wait for the arrest warrant and see you all on TV during my trial.|||I will not be providing any information on the Census.

The Constitution states that a census is to be done every 10 years to determine population. My name and how many people live in my home have been what's Constitutionally required until the last century or so.

Around 1913, there starts all these other questions. Do you own firearms - Race - Political Allegiance - Now they're coming up with what food you eat - Do you Drink - Do you support Obama?

For years, I have agreed that I would provide my name and the number of people in my house since it is Constitutionally required of me. However, that information is supposed to be used to increase the number of Representative Districts. The number of Representative Districts hasn't changed since 1913 and the Government passed legislation in 1928 to fix the size of the House at 435. Completely Unconstitutional..

So, no. I won't be providing ANY information for the 2010 Census.|||i would never in a million years. i dont trust obama or anyone from acorn because they both have 2 things in common. they are manipulators and thieves that will only destroy this country far past its present damages. i'd rather kill myself then trust these con artists with my info. if anyone on here was smart enough they'd do the same. just the idea of giving these thugs all my info makes me sick. i wish everyone could see past his lies and empty promises and see what he was really up to. did you know he wants to repeal the twenty second amendment so he can be president for life? who knows what other hidden agendas he could be up to? not to mention bribing others in the judicial branch to set up laws for his own personal gain. we have a serious monster on our hands and no one realizes the destruction he is very well capable of|||Ummmm. I actually live in the state and district where that whole ACORN is a criminal organization thing started.

Its BS. Everyone that lives here knows that the state Rep that made those accusations constantly accuses anyone and everyone of some sort of criminal activity, including his own party members. We all think of him as a loony, unfortunately the GOP thought they could get some political mileage out of it during the election, so they jumped on board with the loony, which lost them quite a bit of respect in my formerly republican eyes, and probably contributed to my solidly red state going blue last year.

You are misinformed about the nature of ACORN's activities and recruitment, and this is coming from someone who really dislikes ACORN. In the future, before you speak, make sure you aren't damaging your own side.

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